Welcome to our Training Center Information Page!
We know that training centers grapple with making sure their students have up-to-date, high-quality materials to make during their training. So, we're offering a special deal for training centers - discounts on our printable materials (PDF format) and a chance for students to save time and money.
Please note: Because our PDF files are copyrighted and protected by intellectual copyright, the only way for students at your training center to use them is to purchase access to a Training Collection download for each student. Or, students can purchase our PDFs directly from our website. Otherwise, distribution of our PDF files to training center students is prohibited by law and will result in legal action.
Here you'll find a list of each item in the Collections we offer, with links to the item descriptions. Please note: There is no tax outside of Illinois, and no shipping charges of any kind - the Collections are emailed to you in a download link. There are also no refunds or returns on the downloads.
Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions or if you are interested in placing an order. You can also download these helpful documents: