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Famous Artists - Hokusai
Famous Artists - Hokusai

Famous Artists - Hokusai

PDF Price: $4.99
Part Number: 409

These cards are a great way for kids to learn about the Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai!

You can purchase this item with our Ancient Civilizations - Japan cards at a 10% discount with our Ancient Japan Set!

Interested in all of our Famous Artists cards? Check out our Famous Artists Set for a 15% savings!

This PDF file includes:

  • Pictures of 12 of Hokusai's paintings
  • Title cards & control cards for the 12 paintings
  • A picture and short bio of the artist
  • Suggestions for using this work

This item is available for instant download. Simply click "Click here to download your order" under Order Summary in the email you receive after making your purchase to download your PDF file(s).

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